Official collaborators
Clear Channel,
JC Decaux

General Commissary
Manuel Estrada
Sonia Díaz
Gabriel Martínez

Natalia Gimenéz

Iberoamérica Diseña

Lorena Pardo
Vicky Ramírez

Un Mundo Feliz
Estrada Design

Graphic Committee
David Criado
Manuel González
David Gil Agustín
Martín Francés
Pep Sempere
Joaquín Gallego
Álvaro Heinzen
Rico Lins
Alejandro Magallanes
Pep Carrió
Marita Quiroz
Natalia Campero

What is
Madrid Gráfica

Organized by the Association Iberoamérica Diseña, the Madrid City Council and the Foro por Madrid, it aims to show the value of graphics for visual communication, culture and economy in our society.

An essential language to express reality, as well as to serve as an example of the role of design as an activity committed to the environment.

Exposiciones 2024

1. This is how the City Speaks
Juan Goytisolo Square
Collaboration of JC Decaux

2. This is how the City Speaks
Retiro Park
Paseo de Coches
Collaboration of Clear Channel

3. This is how the City Speaks
Faculty of Fine Arts,
Curator: Diego Vainesman

4. Iberoamerican brands,
Casa de América.
Comisario: Diego Vainesman

5. La Tina,
Curator: Alfredo Enciso

6. 80 Words,
Curators: Fernando Beltrán
and Manuel Estrada

7. Supergráfico24,
Curated by: Un Mundo Feliz